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January 20, 2025

Bible Survey: Leviticus

by Jason Neill

Scripture reading: Leviticus 1-7; 16; 23

This week we continue with our Bible survey by looking at Leviticus.

If you are reading through the Bible in one year, this is the book where most people become discouraged and stop. Genesis and Exodus made sense because they are mostly narratives, but then you come to this obscure book which covers in detail the sacrificing of animals, dietarian laws, as well as different feasts. Let’s be honest, all of it can be a bit confusing. It wasn’t, however, to the Israelites. Remember, we are separated by time and culture, so this book appears odd to us at first glance. For that reason, I thought it would be helpful to devote a blog to helping you understand this valuable book of the Bible.

I’ll provide a quick bird’s eye view of the content, share a few key ideas, point out how Jesus shows up in this book, then offer a final point of application.

Leviticus. The name “Leviticus” comes from the Tribe of Levi who were responsible for carrying out the function of priest. The priests were intermediaries on behalf of the nation to God. Chapters 1-7 describe the proper guidelines for worship, 8-10 address the regulations for the priesthood, 11-16 address the laws for uncleanness, and 17-27 address the guidelines for how Israel was to live under the Mosaic Law.  

Key Ideas:

Salvation/Deliverance versus Sanctification. The nation of Israel was delivered from Egyptian slavery. We read about it in Exodus (see Exodus 12). Although the nation was delivered, each member of the nation of Israel was responsible for believing in God. The best way to read this book is to understand it is teaching Israelites how to walk with God after having believed in Him. Leviticus is not a book on how to enter into a relationship with God (i.e., how to be justified); it is about how to cultivate and maintain that relationship (i.e., sanctification). I use the metaphor of walking because the Bible uses that metaphor (see Genesis 5:4; 6:9; Romans 8:4; Galatians 5:16). Walking communicates a way of living, a lifestyle. The Israelites are to make it their lifestyle to live in obedience to God’s Law; the book of Leviticus tells them how. Chapters 1-11 address how to approach God in worship, Chapter 16 is a pivotal chapter in the book which discusses the Day of Atonement, and Chapters 17-27 how to walk with God.

The sacrificial system (see Chapters 1-7). There are five offerings listed in this section of Scripture. The first three concern how an Israelite was to approach God when they were in fellowship with God. The last two concern how an Israelite was to approach God when they were not in fellowship with God. With each offering three objects were involved: the one bringing the offering, the offering (i.e., the animal or object being offered), and the priest who functioned as a mediator between the Israelite and God. Let’s briefly look at each one.

The burnt offering (see 1:1-17). This offering was a voluntary offering; that is to say, an Israelite could take this offering as an expression of worship and fellowship. Different animals could be considered a burnt offering (i.e., cattle, sheep, goats, or birds). The entire animal would be consumed by fire indicating symbolically the Israelite was completely devoted to the Lord. A New Testament application can be seen in Romans 12:1-2 where Paul encourages Christians to be a “living sacrifice.” We are to offer everything we are to God in service.

The meal offering (see 2:1-16). This offering was also voluntary. Raw flour, cooked cakes or grain could be offered. This offering symbolized a person’s work to God. A New Testament application can be seen in Colossians 3:17: “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him” (NKJV).

The peace offering (see 3:1-17). This offering was also voluntary. Cattle, sheep, goats could be offered. This offering symbolized gratitude that the one offering it was at peace with God. This was a celebratory meal shared with others. A New Testament application can be seen in how we celebrate the Lord’s supper (see 1 Corinthians 10:16-18).

The sin offering (see 4:1-5:13). This offering was compulsory. Cattle, sheep, goats, or birds could be offered. The death of the animal is seen as a substitution. The “wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23, NKJV). The animal dies in place of the one making the offering. A New Testament application can be seen in how Christ was our substitute (see Romans 5:8).

The trespass offering (see 5:14-6:7). This offering was compulsory. A ram could be offered. The offering is to make restitution to God or to people. A New Testament application can be seen in how we are encouraged to make restitution for wrong done (see Matthew 5:23-24).  

“How to” for Priests (see Chapters 8-10). This section of the book provides details regarding how the priests were to prepare themselves for their priestly duties.

Walking with God (see Chapters 11-27). This section of the book provides details on how Israel was to live out their relationship with God. The feasts/festivals in Chapter 23 were all visual memory aids to help the nation remember certain events and how God had provided for them.

Jesus in Leviticus. Jesus is our high priest who functions as our intermediate between us and God (see Leviticus 8-9; 1 Timothy 1:5; Hebrews 2:17; 4:14; 7:26-27; 8).

Application. We can confidently approach God at any time in prayer because Jesus is our high priest.

Hopefully this brief tour of Leviticus helped demystify the book. Keep reading God’s Word!