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January 27, 2025

Bible Survey: Numbers

by Jason Neill

Scripture reading: Numbers 1; 13-14; 26

This week we continue our Bible survey by looking at Numbers.

Numbers. The name “Numbers” comes from the two times the nation of Israel took a census. The census was taken in preparation for going to war with existing nations in the Promised Land (see Numbers 1; 26). Since the first generation of Israelites did not believe they could take the land (see Numbers 13-14), they were forced to wander in the wilderness for 40 years until that unbelieving generation died out (see Numbers 32:13). The second generation of Israelites would enter the land. Chapters 1-14 address the first generation that left Egypt and how they failed to believe God’s promise to give them the Promised Land, 15-20 describe the transition from the first generation to the second, 21-36 address the second generation who were to enter the land.

Joshua and Caleb. Joshua and Caleb were the only two members of the original generation to leave Egypt and enter the Promised Land (see Numbers 14:22-38). These two men and ten others were charged to enter the land, scout it out, then return and report what they saw (see Numbers 13:17-20). They were not told to report on whether they could take the land; God already told them it belonged to the nation of Israel (see Genesis 12:1-7, especially verse 7; 15:17-21). When the 12 spies came back to report on their journey, 10 provided a discouraging report (see Numbers 13:26-14:4). They disclosed seeing vast resources in the land that were beyond their imaginations but said they couldn’t take the land. They reported the people who lived there were too powerful, the cities were well fortified, and, consequently, Israel should select another leader, besides Moses, and go back to Egypt (see Numbers 14:1-4). Joshua and Caleb were the only ones who had faith enough to obey God by entering and taking the land (see Numbers 13:30; 14:30).

The Bronze Serpent. The nation of Israel had a history of complaining against the Lord after its exit from Egypt (see Exodus 14:11-12; 15:23; 16:2, 20, 27; 17:1-2; 32; Numbers 11:1-3, 4-34; 21:4-5). They complained often about not having food or water; however, God always provided for them. In 21:4-9, we read the story of the bronze serpent. The Israelites demonstrated a lack of faith by complaining against God about not having their basic needs met (see 21:5). The consequence of this complaint led the Lord to send “fiery” serpents in the Israelite camp to bite them.

Bible scholar Dr. Thomas Constable, wrote concerning the serpents: “The serpents that the LORD sent to discipline the people were fiery – probably because their bite caused intense burning and/or inflammation.” This caused the Israelites to change their minds (i.e., repent) regarding their complaints. “Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, ‘We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD and against you; pray to the LORD that He take away the serpents from us’” (Numbers 21:7, NKJV). God told Moses to “make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live” (Numbers 21:8, NKJV). A simple act of faith, to look at the serpent on the pole, would heal those bitten. Jesus uses this story when talking with Nicodemus to make the point that whoever looks to Him in belief will not perish but have eternal life (see John 3:15).     

Jesus in Numbers. The story of the bronze serpent is a clear indication of Jesus in the book of Numbers (see Numbers 21:4-9). As stated previously, Jesus mentions this story in His conversation with Nicodemus (see John 3:14-15). If we look to Jesus with eyes of faith (i.e., believe in Jesus for eternal life) we will not perish but immediately possess eternal life.   

Application. Just as Joshua and Caleb overcame obstacles by trusting in God, we can overcome the world via our trust in Jesus of Nazareth (see Numbers 14:6-9, 30; Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26-28; 3:5, 12, 21).