March 10, 2025
Is There Something to Trust God For?
by Jason Neill
Scripture reading: Matthew 8:5-13
This week, as we continue exploring ways to apply God’s Word to our lives, let’s consider an important question: Is there something you need to trust God for right now?
There is a story in the New Testament which illustrates this application.
The Gospel of Matthew tells us about a centurion—a Roman officer in charge of at least 100 men—who approached Jesus with a request for healing on behalf of his servant (see Matthew 8:5-13). You may be interested to know this isn’t the only centurion we read about in the New Testament. In fact, Acts Chapter 10 tells the story of the Apostle Peter visiting the home of a centurion to share the good news of Christ.
We aren’t told what illness the servant experienced, only that he was not well. The centurion asked Jesus to heal his servant, but the qualification he states alongside his request “amazed” Jesus (see Matthew 8:10). What amazed Jesus was the centurion believed Jesus could heal his servant without coming to his home. “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed” (Matthew 8:8, NIV). “When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith” (Matthew 8:10, NIV).
What amazed Jesus was not just that the centurion asked for healing. It was that he believed Jesus could heal his servant from a distance, without needing to be physically present. This is a powerful example of faith—faith that trusts in God's power even when the situation seems impossible. The application for us is we ought to be growing in our faith. We believe God for things that are considered easy. We may find it easy to believe the promise that God is always with us (see Psalm 139; Matthew 28:20). Yet there may be things we have difficulty believing in God for. Do you believe God is able to meet your daily needs? Do you believe God cares for you? Do you believe you matter to God?
Growing in our faith means we believe more and more regarding what God says. Is there something you need to trust God for right now?